Conrad Schnitzler's perfect private list

(A.K.A. ConJinList)


Last updated: 19.1.2013

By Conrad Schnitzler, additional edit by Jin (CON-tribute)


Not available in any shop.
You can order different works directly from me. It is music on CDR´s.
To save weight and money, I send the CD´s + CDR´s without the jewelbox.

The normal CDR´s:
White label black letters.
Unlimited + signed + dated + mailed (no frontcard no inlaycard no jewelbox)

New is the paper cover and labeldesign.
1 CDR with picture label + picture cover + title + certificate + signed + dated + mailed

All my tapes + CDR's are numbered. (Studio running numbers)
Cover and labeldesign and title are not in context with the music.
Pictures are better to remember than numbers.
Work in progress:
Example: 90/6         9.3.90     Electrics mini------ the cover is >--------Einbahnstraße

The private list is only for good friends who will not give it away to others neither
put it into the net. The exception is the blog at:
I don`t take any responsibility for the total correctness.
I`ll try to copy all tapes and to update the list.


90/1                    PIANO (electric)/PIANO+SYNTHS (casscopy)--------------------AUFGANG
90/2                    Electric music (TX802 multi-track)-------------------------SÄULEN
90/3                    El. pia+Orch./Mix=(90/4A+B)--------------------------------GLOBE
90/4        12.1.90     Electric music (TX802multi-track)--------------------------ElectroTrain
90/5         7.2.90     Electric-rhythmic pieces-----------------------------------Foot&Shoe
90/6         9.3.90     Electrics mini (all Hohner Hs/2E)--------------------------Einbahnstraße
90/7        23.3.90     El-Pia. rhythmic/same notes to instrum.--------------------ConRepetizione
90/8         7.4.90     Electric music (TX802 multi-track)-------------------------Electric to Budda
90/9        25.5.90     Cass. Concert/Mix=(90/10A+B)-------------------------------Limelight
90/10       20.7.90     Electric mini pieces---------------------------------------ThreeHaeds
90/11       31.7.90     Rhythmics/Pia-rhythmic-------------------------------------ElectricPercussions
90/12       30.8.90     Elec minimixes (Confi.)------------------------------------ECLIPSE
00/000       6.6.08     Kein Ton 1-25----------------------------------------------STILLE
00/013                  CON-TEXT (german)------------------------------------------
00/014     22.10.90     Pieces Pia-Instru/Pia solo (Acousticpia14B/17B)------------DROPPING
00/015      2.11.90     ElectricInstruPia Music melodic Pieces---------------------CONPAX
00/016      9.11.90     ElecInstNoisePieces/Mix=(15B+16A)--------------------------GreenFace
00/017     20.12.90     ElecInstMelo Pieces/El.Pia solo----------------------------ElectricInstruments
00/018       2.2.91     Piano Acoustic solo Pieces---------------------------------PIANOSTRUDEL
00/019      15.3.91     Electric-Voices-Noises-Wild--------------------------------Steelbuilding
00/020      10.4.91     Pia+elecs***(as Pia Ac.solo new version)-------------------ThePlayer
00/021      26.4.91     ElecInstMeloNoise Pieces-----------------------------------blurred
00/022      22.5.91     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------SoloPianoColours
00/023      18.6.91     El. Pia Instr. Pieces--------------------------------------Family
00/024      26.7.91     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------Piano-Keys
00/025      15.8.91     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------PlayerPiano
00/026      13.9.91     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------PianoNotation
00/027      3.10.91     El. PiaInstrConcert 2 Pieces-------------------------------ELAPSE
00/028     16.10.91     ElecInstrMu Pieces-----------------------------------------Airbag
00/029     27.10.91     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------NEONPIANO
00/030     24.11.91     Strings Basso+Cello+Viola+Violine (Proteus/2)--------------Strings
00/031      20.1.92     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------PianoMechanik
00/032      25.2.92     ElectroInstru Expressivo Pieces----------------------------Brückenbau
00/033       2.3.92     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------KeyMovement
00/034      20.5.92     ElectroInstru Expressivo Pieces----------------------------OutdoorConcert
00/035       4.7.92     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------BlueNotes
00/036       8.9.92     Instumental melodic/Instru solo Pieces---------------------Coffehouse
00/037      25.8.92     ElectroIndustrielExpressive 2 Pieces-----------------------Spirally
00/038     11.10.92     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------PianoMonolog
00/039     15.11.92     ElecInstr-abstract Pieces----------------------------------Electrosmog  
00/040       5.1.93     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------PIANOwaves
00/041      11.6.93     ElectroInstruNoise-abstract Pieces-------------------------Warschau Express
00/042      15.8.93     Strings Cello+Viola+Vio+Vio (Proteus/2)--------------------Strings
00/043      10.9.93     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------AutomatiCon
00/044     23.11.93     ElecInstrMeloAbstrExpr. Pieces (CD MT-366)-----------------Dramatic El.Mu.
00/045      29.7.93     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------Distorsion
00/046       7.2.94     ElectroInstru-Rhythmic-------------------------------------Computerjazz
00/047      6.12.93     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------Lecture / Mann blau
00/048     27.12.93     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------Mann grün
00/049     28.12.93     Mix =(47+48)-----------------------------------------------Transmitter
00/050       1.2.94     Solo Percus Electr. Pieces---------------------------------Mann rot
00/051      10.2.94     Solo Electr. Percus Pieces---------------------------------mann gelb
00/052      10.2.94     Mix=(48+50)------------------------------------------------2 Männer grün+rot
00/053      12.2.94     Mix=(47+51)------------------------------------------------2 Männer blau+gelb
00/054       3.8.94     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------The Live Experience
00/055      31.3.94     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------ICY
00/056       4.4.94     Solo Instrumental Pieces-----------------------------------ColorFull
00/057       8.4.94     Solo Noise Pieces------------------------------------------solo lauschen
00/058      17.4.94     Solo Electric-effect-piano Pieces--------------------------ElectricPiano
00/059      28.4.94     Solo Strings Pieces----------------------------------------Bent Violins
00/060      26.7.94     InstruElectroPiaExpressivo Pieces--------------------------Electric Instruments
00/061       6.9.94     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------Piano-Mirror
00/062      25.9.94     CD-MixStrangeSomeone else´s--------------------------------Alice
00/063     24.10.94     Piano solo acoustic Pieces (GP.Studio/Spock)---------------KlavierSitzung
00/064      14.2.95     Piano acoustic 63+Viola (Proteus/2)------------------------PianoViola
00/065      17.1.95     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------Standing
00/066      17.4.95     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------PianoSolarisation
00/067      28.3.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------EXIT
00/068      18.4.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------CONNECTIONS
00/069       7.5.95     Mix=(57+67+68+68) wild expressive--------------------------Con aua
00/070       5.6.95     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------slant Piano
00/071      5.10.95     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------Pia cover black
00/072      14.6.95     CD-MixStrangeSomeone else´s--------------------------------Männerzirkel
00/073      22.8.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------Worker with pipes
00/074       1.9.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------Connection
00/075       2.9.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------Turbo
00/076       3.9.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------INFORMEL
00/077       4.9.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------SACK
00/078       5.9.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------TURBINE
00/079       6.9.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------RaumKnoten
00/080       7.9.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------FENSTER
00/081      13.9.95     Solo Voices/Electrics Pieces-------------------------------VOICING
00/082      14.9.95     Solo Wind Brass Rhythmics----------------------------------Ödnis
00/083      15.9.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------BEDLAM
00/084      16.9.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------POLARKNOTEN
00/085      19.9.95     Solo Electricsstatic/Rhythmicstatic------------------------ScreenWatching
00/086      23.1.96     ElectricSlowAbstract Pieces--------------------------------Monument
00/087      17.4.96     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------solo piano Bowing
00/088     16.11.95     Mix=(51+55+67+68) industrial expressivo--------------------KNOTEN
00/089     17.11.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------DANGER
00/090     29.11.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------Nachtfahrt
00/091     13.11.95     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------EGG
00/092      13.1.96     Mix=(73+84+90+91)------------------------------------------Voyager@neptun
00/093      14.1.96     Mix=(74+75+76+89)------------------------------------------Planet IO
00/094      16.1.96     Mix=(69+88+92+93)------------------------------------------RUDEL
00/095      26.2.96     ElectroAbstractExpressivo Pieces---------------------------Silhouetten
00/096      15.5.96     Solo Electrics Pieces--------------------------------------MONOLITH
00/097       8.8.96     Piano solo acoustic Pieces---------------------------------solo piano
00/098      23.5.96     Piano 97/3 (30/40/50/60/70/80b.p.m.)-----------------------Pianostage
00/099      12.6.96     Mix=(79+80) ElectricIndustrialExpressivo-------------------DuoElectric
00/100      14.6.96     Mix=(77+78) Electrics--------------------------------------ElectricLobsterdance
00/101      20.7.96     Piano solo acoustic Pieces 1-10----------------------------Pia Player with Helmet
00/102      14.6.96     Mix=(77+78+79+80) 1-33 ElectroCosmicMetalIndus-------------Windmills.
00/103      10.9.96     ElectroE-Pia-Instru-Voice Pieces 1-17----------------------three japan girls
00/104      27.9.96     Solo Elec-Instru-Wood-Metal-Voice Pieces 1-19--------------Station
00/105      4.10.96     Solo Electrics Pieces 1-19---------------------------------ATOM
00/106      6.10.96     Mix=(104+105) (CD-EXPRESSIVE Pl.LU.) 1-23------------------Plate Lunch
00/107      5.10.97     Piano solo acoustic Pieces 1-9-----------------------------Con am Piano
00/108     30.10.96     Mix=acoustic Pianos=(97+98+101) 1-22-----------------------GEFLÜGEL
00/109     17.10.97     Electros-Instrument Pieces 1-17----------------------------Earl Con
00/110      26.8.97     Electros-Instrument Pieces 1-15----------------------------E.T.A.H.
00/111      25.4.97     Solo Electrics Pieces 1-18---------------------------------FEUER
00/112      12.6.97     Solo Electrics Pieces 1-18---------------------------------CRASH
00/113      26.8.97     Solo Electrics Pieces 1-19---------------------------------CYBER
00/114      30.7.97     Solo Rhythmics Pieces 1-8----------------------------------FutureLightRhythmics
00/115      5.10.98     Solo Electrics Pieces 1-20---------------------------------GLASPUTZER
00/116       3.9.97     Mix=(110+112) ElectroAbstract 1-30-------------------------Two Solo Electric Women
00/117       4.9.97     Mix=(112+113+114+115) IndusTechno 1-27---------------------Activis
00/118       9.9.97     Mix=(111+113+134)-(111+74+75) 1-14-------------------------White Hole
00/119       1.7.97     Solo Rhythmics Pieces 1-17---------------------------------David
00/120     21.10.97     Mix=Acoustic Piano (3x107)-(3x87) 2 Pieces-----------------PIANOMIX
00/121     30.11.97     Piano solo acoustic Pieces --------------------------------Verhaltene Action
00/122      5.11.97     Solo Electrics Pieces (allTX802) 1-30----------------------REGELWERK
00/123     19.11.97     Mix=(122+124) 1-28-----------------------------------------boxing girls
00/124     28.11.97     Solo Electrics Pieces (all MW) 1-28------------------------Empti Bar
00/125     12.12.97     Solo Electrics Pieces (all MW) 1-29------------------------Red Area
00/126     15.12.97     Mix=(124+125) AbstractExpressivo---------------------------MiniMax
00/127     15.12.97     Mix=(122+124+125) AbstractExpressivo 1-31------------------Three Chairs
00/128      20.1.98     Solo Violin slow Action 1-6--------------------------------SoloVio
00/129      22.1.98     Mix=(121+128) 1-6------------------------------------------Pia Vio Duo
00/130      10.2.98     Solo Flute slow Aktion 1-6---------------------------------Solo FLUT
00/131      11.2.98     Mix=(128+130) 1-6------------------------------------------VIO&FLUT
00/132      12.2.98     Mix=(121+130) 1-6------------------------------------------PIA&FLUT
00/133      12.2.98     Mix=(121+128+130) 1-6--------------------------------------Pia,Flut&Vio TRIO
00/134        96-98     Solo Electrics Pieces 1-31---------------------------------KATS
00/135      10.5.07     Piano solo acoustik pieces 1-11----------------------------BrokenGrand
00/136      10.7.98     ElectroInstruAbstractExpressivo 1-15-----------------------Theater Action
00/137       8.8.98     ElectroInstruRhythmics Pieces 1-6--------------------------TRANCE
00/138      20.1.99     ElectroAbstractExpressivo 1-15 16-29-----------------------GEWICHTE
00/139      16.4.99     Mix-Concert 1-10 11-19 =(4CD´s split A-B-C-D)--------------Bauklötze
00/140      20.5.99     Solo Electrics Pieces 1-18---------------------------------Solo Electric Mirror
00/141      26.5.99     Solo Electrics Pieces 1-21---------------------------------Spacewalk
00/142      31.5.99     ElectroInstruMusic Pieces 1-17-----------------------------Triangle
00/143      23.8.99     ElectroInstruMusic Pieces 1-15-----------------------------Applejuice
00/144      16.8.99     Solo Electrics Pieces 1-19---------------------------------Magnetbahn
00/145     11.10.99     Mix=1-40 (Con-Solo/1+Con-Solo/2)(Ed.Nr.con113/116)---------COUPLE
00/146     28.11.99     Mix=(140+141) 1-31-----------------------------------------Duo greceful
00/147     29.11.99     Solo Percussion slow Action Pieces 1-7---------------------SlowActions
00/148     20.12.99     Electrics--------------------------------------------------Con wings
00/149       4.1.00     Solo Electrics Pieces 1-21---------------------------------HALLE
00/150      11.1.00     Solo Electrics Pieces 1-16---------------------------------Messer
00/151      17.1.00     Mix=(149+150)----------------------------------------------Flaschenmix
00/152      24.1.00     SOLO Electric Pieces---------------------------------------bewilder
00/153      29.1.00     Electrics/some rhythmics Pieces----------------------------CONGENIAL
00/154      18.2.00     SOLO SQ.(PM)-----------------------------------------------Globe
00/155       6.3.00     SOLO ELECTRIC PIECES---------------------------------------BallWav
00/156      11.4.00     SOLO ELECTRIC PIECES---------------------------------------Geometrie
00/157      14.4.00     ELECTRO-CONSTRUCTION 2-------------------------------------Egg Con-Struction
00/158      19.5.00     SOLO ELECTRIC PIECES---------------------------------------Shore up
00/159      29.5.00     SOLO ELECTRIC PIECES---------------------------------------Arschgeweih
00/160      14.6.00     SOLO ELECTRIC PIECES---------------------------------------BAS
00/161      15.6.00     MIX-159+160 -----------------------------------------------Swimmer
00/162       1.7.00     SOLO VOICE CUT---------------------------------------------VOICES 2 Frauen
00/163      13.9.00     SOLO VOICE CUT TO SAMPS------------------------------------ESTERPOPEL
00/164     17.10.00     SOLO SY.A +EFF LIVE----------------------------------------SY.´A´+Eff
00/165     20.10.00     SOLO ELECTRIC NOISE DRONE----------------------------------Rakete Ariane
00/166     25.10.00     SOLO ELEC.PIECES SY.A´-SAMPS-------------------------------Eagle
00/167     26.10.00     MIX SOLOS/147+152+155+156----------------------------------Blue Bell
00/168      25.1.01     SOLO ELECS QX 1-17-----------------------------------------conkopf
00/169      29.1.01     SOLO RHYTHMICS 1-10----------------------------------------Conatti
00/170       2.2.01     SOLO/RHY./PERC./ELECS 1-16---------------------------------CON REITER
00/171      12.2.01     SOLO RHYTHM. 1-7-------------------------------------------BALKEN
00/172      21.2.01     ELECTRO-CONSTRUCTION 3 =1-15-------------------------------Construction
00/173       6.3.01     SOLO ELECS 1-16--------------------------------------------Hermit
00/174      16.3.01     SOLO ELECS 1-8---------------------------------------------BOGEN
00/175      11.5.01     MIX (SOLOS 168+170+173+174)--------------------------------Cable
00/176      30.5.01     ELECTRIC SCENES 1-11---------------------------------------electric Szenery
00/177      30.6.01     SOLO ELECS 1-15--------------------------------------------Zapfen
00/178       2.7.01     SOLO DRON--------------------------------------------------DRON
00/179      12.7.01     SOLO RHYTHMICS---------------------------------------------WELLA
00/180      13.7.01     RHYTHMI-CON 1-9 (1982-2000)--------------------------------RHYTHMICON
00/181       6.8.01     SOLO ELECS 1-15--------------------------------------------FORMULA UNO
00/182      13.8.01     MIX SOLOS 1-20 (177+178+179+181)---------------------------Metall 182
00/183      16.8.01     ELECTRIC PIECES 1-11 +(OVERLAP)----------------------------Three Ears
00/184      19.9.01     CON-CERT (TTT) 1-17 (SPLITS A+B+C+D)-----------------------TTTConcert
00/185      24.9.01     SOLO ELECS 1-20--------------------------------------------RELATIVE
00/186      3.10.01     SOLO ELECS 1-21--------------------------------------------MONDGRABSCHEN
00/187     23.10.01     ELECTRIC PIECES 1-15 +(OVERLAP)----------------------------Windvögel
00/188      5.11.01     MIX (173+174+176) 1-28-------------------------------------Three Speaker
00/189     11.11.01     SOLO ELECS 1-19--------------------------------------------Constitution
00/190      30.1.02     RHYTM. PIECES 1-12 (RYCO)----------------------------------Steam Engine
00/191      12.2.02     SOLO RHYTHMICS 1-12 (OUT RYCO)-----------------------------smart
00/192      20.2.02     SOLO ELECS 1-16 (KAOSS PAD+AIRFX)--------------------------Skywatcher
00/193      19.3.02     ELECTRIC PIECES 1-13 --------------------------------------ORACULAR
00/194      24.3.02     SOLO ELECS 1-25 (aus 193)----------------------------------Shadowy
00/195      25.3.02     SOLO ELECS 1-24 (aus 193)----------------------------------TimeTunnel
00/196      23.6.02     NOISES+(splits A-B-C-D)------------------------------------work+noises
00/197       7.7.02     SOLO SAMP-INSTRUMENTS--------------------------------------Busteye
00/198      10.7.02     SOLO ELEC-INSTRUMENTS--------------------------------------ZWEISEIN
00/199      11.7.02     SOLO ELEC-INSTRUMENTS--------------------------------------DUPLICATE
00/200      11.7.02     SOLO ELEC-INSTRUMENTS--------------------------------------Two Maske
00/201     21.10.02     SOLO RHYTHMICS---------------------------------------------PATSCH
00/202     22.10.02     SOLO BRASS SY.---------------------------------------------AUGE
00/203     26.10.02     Mix Solos (194+198+201+202)--------------------------------STOPROT
00/204      3.11.02     SOLO ELECS 1-20--------------------------------------------Turbine
00/205     25.11.02     ELECTRIC PIECES 1-12---------------------------------------Opera
00/206     29.11.02     SOLO ELECS 1-18--------------------------------------------start up
00/207      3.12.02     SOLO ELECS 1-16--------------------------------------------Megaphon
00/208      6.12.02     SOLO RHYTHMICS 1-16----------------------------------------Bicycle
00/209     14.12.02     SOLO ELEC-BASSO 1-16---------------------------------------Elbasso
00/210     17.12.02     MIX SOLOS (206+207+208+209)--------------------------------Katze
00/211      18.1.03     ELECTRIC PIECES 1-16 (roh+overlap)-------------------------Andromeda
00/212      28.2.03     ELECTRIC PIECES 1-15 (roh+overlap) (SPLITS)----------------Flacon
00/213      10.3.03     SOLO ELECS 1-17 (out of 211)-------------------------------X213
00/214      12.3.03     SOLO ELECS 1-18 (out of 211)-------------------------------X214
00/215      12.3.03     SOLO ELECS 1-16 (out of 211)-------------------------------X215
00/216      13.3.03     SOLO ELECS 1-17 (out of 211)-------------------------------X216
00/217      24.3.03     SOLO ELECS 1-12 broken beats-------------------------------broken beats
00/218      26.3.03     MIX SOLOS (213+214+215+216)--------------------------------X218
00/219      29.4.03     MINIATUREN 1-14 (2 tracks)---------------------------------Roof Duo
00/220       7.5.03     SOLO BASSO 1-14 (out of 219)-------------------------------ENGINE
00/221       7.5.03     SOLO ELECS 1-14 (out of 219)-------------------------------ATOMOS
00/222     22.5.031     SOLO ELECS 1-18--------------------------------------------Constreetaction
00/223      29.5.03     SOLO ELECS 1-17--------------------------------------------OSCILLATION
00/224      8.11.05     Selection 1-16---------------------------------------------CON-Selection
00/225      26.6.03     SOLO RHYTHMICS 1-4-----------------------------------------Solo RHythMICS O/!
00/226      23.7.03     Electric kribbel 1-17 (Splits A-B-C-D)---------------------Electric Kribbel
00/227      11.8.03     Mix Solos 217+220+221+222----------------------------------Raffinerie
00/228      21.8.03     ELECTRIC PIECES 1-16 (roh+overlap+split+Splitmix)----------Memory
00/229      15.9.03     Solo Atmos 1- ---------------------------------------------missin Leg
00/230     22.10.03     Electric Pieces 1-16---------------------------------------DOM
00/231     23.10.03     Solo Elecs 1-17 (out of 230)-------------------------------Gelenk
00/232     24.10.03     Solo Elecs 1-16 (out of 230)-------------------------------Bridge
00/233     24.10.03     Solo Elecs 1-19 (out of 230)-------------------------------ConSafe
00/234     29.10.03     Solo Elecs 1-18 (out of 230)-------------------------------Struggeling
00/235     30.10.03     Mix Solos 1-19 (231+232+233+234)---------------------------Conducted
00/236      8.11.03     Solo Atmos 1-18--------------------------------------------Con Servantes
00/237     26.11.03     Solo Elecs 1-18--------------------------------------------Demolation
00/238      4.12.03     Mix Solos (200+204+229+237)--------------------------------Hommage a. J.Polock
00/239     12.12.03     Solo Voice (i.n.d.E.)--------------------------------------IMMER NUR DAS EINE
00/240       3.1.04     Elecztric Pieces 1-14--------------------------------------RhyShi Stempel
00/241       7.1.04     SOLO RHYTHMICS 1-13----------------------------------------CurveDancing
00/242      23.1.04     Electro Pieces 1-14 (Concert Splits =243-244-245-246)------Macina
00/243      24.1.04     Solo Elecs 1-14 (out of 242)-------------------------------Passing
00/244      24.1.04     Solo Elecs 1-14 (out of 242)-------------------------------Stretching
00/245      24.1.04     Solo Elecs 1-14 (out of 242)-------------------------------Pointing
00/246      24.1.04     Solo Elecs 1-14 (out of 242)-------------------------------Floating
00/247      28.1.04     Mix Solos 1-14 (243+244+245+246) Con-Cert------------------Blending
00/248       2.2.04     Solo Elecs 1-15--------------------------------------------Con Welder
00/249       2.2.04     Mix Solos 1-19 (223+233+241+248)---------------------------Four Solos on Stage
00/250       4.2.04     Solo Rhythmics 1-15----------------------------------------HYDROGEN
00/251      19.2.04     Stücke 1-15 (zu 250 Cut Cut)+Overlap-----------------------no audience
00/252      23.2.04     Solo Voice 1-18--------------------------------------------MUND(S.W.)
00/253      23.3.04     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------Balance
00/254       2.3.04     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------AWAY
00/255       5.3.04     Solo Sq. Moo. 1-14-----------------------------------------Bobbels
00/256      20.4.04     Pieces+ovl. 1-14 +(4 Con-Cert Splits)----------------------Aufzug
00/257      11.5.04     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Hot Work
00/258      24.5.04     Electric Pieces 1-17---------------------------------------Castle
00/259      25.5.04     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Fish Jumping
00/260      26.5.04     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------EYE
00/261      27.5.04     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------HOCKER
00/262       8.6.04     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------CenterWaves
00/263       9.6.04     Mix Solos (259+260+261+262) 1-25---------------------------Factory
00/264      29.7.04     Electric Miniaturen 1-19 (two track)-----------------------UPWARDS
00/265      30.7.04     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Headwaves
00/266      30.7.04     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Birne
00/267      11.8.04     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------MONDINI
00/268      16.9.04     Rhythm-Electric Pieces 1-14--------------------------------UHRSPIEL
00/269      19.9.04     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------Diamant
00/270      19.9.04     Solo Basso 1-15--------------------------------------------Holographie
00/271      19.9.04     Solo Rhythm.+Perc.-----------------------------------------drumming
00/272      22.9.04     Mix Solos (267+269+270+271) 1-17---------------------------Tamurakami
00/273      25.9.04     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Port Facilities
00/274     20.10.04     Concert 1-18 (SplitsA+B+C+D) Mix+Overl+Concert-------------Rohre
00/275     26.10.04     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Pipe Worker
00/276     29.10.04     Solo Percus (Arpeggios) 1-18-------------------------------dancers
00/277      5.11.04     Solo Electrics 1-19 (all QX)-------------------------------CASSA
00/278      6.11.04     Mix Solos (250+252+253+254)--------------------------------Stowaway
00/279     11.11.04     Solo Dron ID 1---------------------------------------------Oil
00/280     11.11.04     Solo Electrics ID 1----------------------------------------electricity
00/281     11.11.04     Mix Solos (279+280) ID 1-----------------------------------HEXER
00/282     24.11.04     Mix Solos (283+284+285) ID 1 60 min------------------------Kopfjäger
00/283     24.11.04     Solo Rhythmic ID 1 60 min----------------------------------CROCOS
00/284     24.11.04     Solo Vogel ID1 60 min--------------------------------------WhiteBlackBird
00/285     24.11.04     Solo Voice MAN ID1 60 min-------------------------------­­-MAN
00/286      6.12.04     Rhythm. Electr. Pieces 1-14 /ol----------------------------SuperDuper
00/287      8.12.04     Solo Rhythmics 1-14----------------------------------------WalkMan
00/288      8.12.04     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------Microscop
00/289      8.12.04     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------Handsom
00/290     12.12.04     Mix Solos 1-22 (273+275+276+277)---------------------------Arcarde
00/291     21.12.04     Solo Bässe 1-29 (all cube)---------------------------------solo Bass Head
00/292      10.1.05     Electric Pieces 1-29 (ovl.)(splits, Concert mix)-----------Magie
00/293      18.1.05     Industrial Space ID 1 60 min-------------------------------industriel space
00/294      21.1.05     Solo Electrics 1-21 (Absynth ed+eff)-----------------------rip down
00/295      17.2.05     Electric Pieces 1-18 + O.L.--------------------------------Geistesblitze
00/296      22.2.05     Solo Electric Pieces 1-19----------------------------------Menagerie
00/297      23.2.05     Solo Percus 1-19-------------------------------------------PERCULES
00/298      23.2.05     Solo Electric Pieces 1-19----------------------------------INDOOR
00/299      24.2.05     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------SKYLIGHTS
00/300      27.2.05     Mix Solos 1-21 (255+257+265+266)---------------------------sprawling wildwuchernd
00/301      28.2.05     Mix Solos 1-20 (296+297+298+299)---------------------------Conductorless
00/302       6.3.05     Solo Electrics 1-8-----------------------------------------HELI
00/303       9.3.05     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Tapedeck
00/304      23.3.05     Pieces for Concert 1-17------------------------------------Türme
00/305      30.3.05     Solo electric flach 1-20 (save the tubes)------------------U-Bahn
00/306       5.4.05     Solo electrics 1-9-----------------------------------------Light
00/307      26.5.05     Stücke electro-akustik-------------------------------------Aufschwung
00/308      30.5.05     Solo Electrics 1-19 (out of 307)---------------------------Metamorphosis
00/309      30.5.05     Solo Electrics 1-19 (out of 307)---------------------------Masure
00/310      31.5.05     Solo Electrics 1-19 (out of 307)---------------------------Melt
00/311      31.5.05     Solo Electrics 1-19 (out of 307)---------------------------Memory
00/312       6.6.05     Mix Solos 1-23 (287+288+289+291)---------------------------Laboratory
00/313      28.6.05     Mix Solos 1-22 (47+48+50+51)-------------------------------4Männer gelb blau grün rot
00/314      16.8.05     Melos und Electrics 1-15-----------------------------------Fantasia Melos
00/315      25.8.05     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Mädchentropfen
00/316      27.8.05     Solo Percus 1-18-------------------------------------------WATCH
00/317      28.8.05     Solo Pia for GK--------------------------------------------Pianist Conjures
00/318      12.9.05     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Schimney
00/319      13.9.05     Mix Solos 1-20 (302+303+315+316)---------------------------broken Space
00/320      17.9.05     Solo electrics ID 1 ---------------------------------------SOLO FLAT
00/321      21.9.05     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------LONG TONE TO YASUHIRO
00/322     18.10.05     Solo Perlig ID 1-------------------------------------------Tatze
00/323     25.11.05     Pieces f. Yasu 1-12----------------------------------------Nakano Broadway
00/324      5.12.05     Pieces f. Yasu 1-11----------------------------------------Testbild
00/325      7.12.05     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------SIGNAL
00/326      8.12.05     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------Blue Space
00/327      8.12.05     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------Pfeilkreis
00/328      8.12.05     Solo Rhythmics 1-13----------------------------------------SKIZZO
99/329      9.12.05     Solo electrics 1-14----------------------------------------Fadenwurm
00/330     11.12.05     Solo Rhythmics 1-14----------------------------------------BEPO
00/331     14.12.05     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------Sqare
00/332     16.12.05     Mix Solos 1-9 (326+327+329+331)----------------------------Black Hole
00/333     17.12.05     Mix Solos 1-13 (287+288+289+291+325+326+327+329+331)-------Kräne
00/334     20.12.05     Solo Rhythmics o.v. 1-18-----------------------------------FON
00/335     31.12.05     Mix Solos 1-20 (308+309+310+311)---------------------------WILD COMPLEXIONS
00/336       7.1.06     Concert 1-12 (Splits A B C D)------------------------------Saturn Con-Cert
00/337      10.1.06     Solo Elelectrics 1-16--------------------------------------BAGGER
00/338      19.1.06     Concert 1-15 (Splits A B C D)-Partitur---------------------Furioso-Presto
00/339      15.2.06     Solo Dron ID 1---------------------------------------------DRON
00/340      19.2.06     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------Gasturbine
00/341      20.2.06     Mix Solos (331+334+337+340) 1-18---------------------------WandelConcert
00/342      27.2.06     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------NIGHTLIGHT
00/343       1.3.06     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------PAPAGENO
00/344       3.3.06     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------NAILCARE
00/345       6.3.06     Concert 1-16 (Stücke+ovl.+split ABCD)----------------------ENERGIE
00/346      13.3.06     Solo Sq. Rhythmics 1-18-------------------------------------StrokMan
00/347      15.3.06     Mix Solos 1-19 (206+279+303+346)---------------------------Wiring
00/348      29.3.06     Orch. Colage. 1-31 (Split A-B-C-D for Con-cert)------------Grosses Orchester
00/349       5.4.06     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------Commander
00/350      24.4.06     Mix Solos (342+343+344+346)--------------------------------SOLAR MODULE
00/351      30.5.06     Electric Rhythmic Pieces 1-13------------------------------HerzRhythmusStörungen
00/352      31.5.06     Duo Drum & Bass 1-13---------------------------------------Handshake
00/353      31.5.06     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------Helmet
00/354       1.6.06     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------Stabilo
00/355      17.7.06     Electric Pieces 1-14---------------------------------------TOOLBOX
00/356      17.7.06     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 355)---------------------------CUTTER
00/357      17.7.06     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 355)---------------------------SCISSORS
00/358      17.7.06     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 355)---------------------------CircleCutter
00/359      !7.7.06     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 355)---------------------------RULER
00/360      30.5.06     Mix Solos 1-18 (JohnMix) (101+105+257+273)-----------------Strichcode
00/361       7.8.06     Mix Piano 1-9 (4x121)--------------------------------------Four Pianos
00/362      23.8.06     Electric Pieces 1-13---------------------------------------INSIGHT
00/363      24.8.06     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 362)---------------------------landet
00/364      24.8.06     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 362)---------------------------ConDom
00/365      24.8.06     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 362)---------------------------ConJet
00/366      24.8.06     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 362)---------------------------Foggy
00/367      26.8.06     Mix Solos 1-15 (363+364+365+366)---------------------------Gewichte
00/368      29.8.06     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------Flatterman
00/369      31.8.06     Solo tiefe Lieger 1-16-------------------------------------on the Road
00/370      10.9.06     Solo Electrics 1-31 first work on -------------------------MACBETH
00/371      12.9.06     Mix Solos (353+354+368+369)--------------------------------MANOMETER
00/372      14.9.06     Solo Electrics 1-18 second work on-------------------------Macb. M5
00/373      16.9.06     Electric Mixes M5 1-14-------------------------------------Traces
00/374     12.10.06     Solo Electrics 1-34----------------------------------------Shermanwork 1
00/375     17.10.06     Solo Electrics 1-57----------------------------------------Shermanwork 2
00/376     18.10.06     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Shermanwork 3
00/377     26.10.06     Pieces Electrics 1-13 (Ovl. AEFDCBGHKJLiM)-----------------newtec
00/378     27.10.06     Mix solos 1-17 (279+280+287+288+289+291+294)---------------mix for JoseLuis
00/379     29.10.06     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 377)---------------------------SLIP
00/380     29.10.06     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 377)---------------------------SOLOHAUS
00/381     29.10.06     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 377)---------------------------HandSolo
00/382     29.10.06     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 377)---------------------------LASERTEC
00/383     10.11.06     Solo Electrics 1-12 (dub 90>Shm+eff)-----------------------Centrifuge
00/384     14.11.06     Electric Pieces 1-14 (+ov+Solo Splits)---------------------schatten
00/385     15.11.06     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 384 for Concert)---------------Grün auf Rot
00/386     15.11.06     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 384 for Concert)---------------Rot auf Blau
00/387     15.11.06     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 384 for Concert)---------------Blau auf Gelb
00/388     15.11.06     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 384 for Concert)---------------Grün auf Blau
00/389     23.11.06     Solo Electrics 1-18 (all Sunsyn)---------------------------PARA
00/390      1.12.06     Solo Rhythmics 1-15 (overl)--------------------------------shopping
00/391      3.12.06     Solo Electrics 1-15 (all Pro)------------------------------Hand gibt
00/392      5.12.06     Solo El. Lieger 1-14---------------------------------------LIEGER
00/393      6.12.06     Mix Solos 1-22 (389+390+391+392)---------------------------SpiceMixer
00/394      9.12.06     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Cockpit
00/395     26.12.06     Electric Pieces 1-17 (roh+ovl.)----------------------------Glass&Steel
00/396     27.12.06     Solo Electrics 1-18 (out of 395)---------------------------TraschCar
00/397     27.12.06     Solo Electrics 1-17 (out of 395)---------------------------Poison.
00/398     28.12.06     Solo Electrics 1-17 (out of 395)---------------------------HandLicht
00/399     31.12.06     Solo Rhythmics 1-15----------------------------------------HundeKacke
00/400     31.12.06     Mix Solos 1-23 (394+396+397+398+399)-----------------------FiveCon
00/401       2.1.07     Mix Solos 1-18 (104+111+119+144)---------------------------Mixsomux
00/402       6.1.07     Solo Dron atmos 1-14---------------------------------------SoloDronAtmos
00/403      15.1.07     Concert 1-16 (Splits A+B+C+D)------------------------------Mix ConCert
00/404      16.1.07     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------WoolRobot
00/405      16.1.07     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------ToyRobot
00/406      25.1.07     Solo Tec. SQ.----------------------------------------------Bohrturm
00/407       1.2.07     Solo Cloud Atmos 1-16--------------------------------------FörderSturm
00/408       6.2.07     Solo Bass Rhythmics 1-15-----------------------------------Hurry
00/409       8.2.07     Mix Solos (375+407+265+222)--------------------------------DANGER
00/410      11.2.07     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------WasserUhr
00/411      24.2.07     Electric Pieces (ol.+splits.) 1-14-------------------------electric NightLight
00/412      26.2.07     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 411)---------------------------slamming
00/413      26.2.07     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 411)---------------------------skating
00/414      26.2.07     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 411)---------------------------shineing
00/415      26.2.07     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 411)---------------------------hideing
00/416      27.2.07     Solo Electrics 1-8-----------------------------------------brushing
00/417      18.3.07     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------biegen
00/418      19.3.07     Mix Solos 1-14 (402+404+405+406)---------------------------HandSack
00/419      21.3.07     Mix Solos 1-12 (408+410+416+417)---------------------------KreisSäge
00/420      22.3.07     Mix Solos 1-15 (154+158+185+186)---------------------------EisenHobel
00/421      23.3.07     Mix Solos 1-18 (189+191+192+349)---------------------------FeilMaschine
00/422      23.3.07     Mix Solos 1-17 (199+225+306+318)---------------------------BandSäge
00/423      23.3.07     Mix Solos 1-27 (320+321+322+392)---------------------------MorsesSchreibapparat
00/424      29.3.07     Mix Solos Rhythmics 1-19 (250+316+343+390)-----------------fourRhythmics
00/425       3.4.07     Mix Solos 1-15 (265+308+374+397)---------------------------MetallHobel
00/426       5.4.07     Mix Solos 1-17 (73+90+111+144)-----------------------------Printer
00/427       6.4.07     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------TestTube
00/428       8.4.07     Mix solos 1-16 (222+284+303+407)---------------------------OBSCURE
00/429      20.4.07     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Marmor
00/430       3.5.07     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Schleudern
00/431      14.5.07     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------Phasing
00/432       4.6.07     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------SchlaraffenLand
00/433       7.6.07     Electric Stücke 1-14---------------------------------------BahnhofsHalle
00/434      12.6.07     Electric Stücke 1-16---------------------------------------Stethoskope
00/435      26.6.07     Electric Stücke 1-15 (overl+split)-------------------------Beleuchtung
00/436      27.6.07     Solo electrics 1-16 (out of 435)---------------------------RedStar
00/437      27.6.07     Solo electrics 1-15 (out of 435)---------------------------BlackBack
00/438      27.6.07     Solo electrics 1-15 (out of 435)---------------------------electric connections
00/439      27.6.07     Solo Electrics 1-14 (out of 435)---------------------------NoSmoking
00/440       4.7.07     Solo Voiceing 1-15 ----------------------------------------VOICEING
00/441      12.7.07     Mix Solos 1-17 (79+186+194+223) Mixed by Bernhard----------vier koffer
00/442      16.7.07     Solo Electrics 1-16 (all ACT-X)----------------------------PapierFlieger
00/443      28.7.07     Mix Solos 1-26 (429+430+431+432)---------------------------MixPickels
00/444      29.7.07     Mix Solos 1-28 (436+437+438+439)---------------------------Maurer
00/445      19.9.07     Electro RhyStücke 1-13 (ovl)-------------------------------RoofTones
00/446      29.9.07     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------SpaceWindow
00/447      29.9.07     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------WallWindow
00/448      29.9.07     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------DoppelWindow
00/449      29.9.07     Solo Rhythmics 1-13----------------------------------------Bobo
00/450      4.10.07     Solo ElecFlat 1-20-----------------------------------------Shade
00/451     20.10.07     Electric Pieces (ovl) 1-14---------------------------------MoonWork
00/452     21.10.07     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------HörStuhl
00/453     23.10.07     Solo Rhythmics (ovl) 1-15----------------------------------Rüstung
00/454     24.10.07     Mix Solos 1-24 (446+447+448+449)---------------------------conducting
00/455     24.10.07     Mix Solos 1-20 (349+450+452+453)---------------------------Empti Concert
00/456     31.10.07     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------im Helm
00/457      6.11.07     Solo Electric Dron ID 1------------------------------------ElectricDron
00/458     11.11.07     Mix Solos 1-34 (wild mix)----------------------------------BUNT
00/459     11.11.07     Mix Solos 1-34 (wild mix)----------------------------------ColorFire
00/460     12.11.07     Mix Solos 1-24 (wild mix)----------------------------------ABRUZZO
00/461     14.11.07     Solo Electric Bells 1-22-----------------------------------Basilika
00/462     19.11.07     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------Verband
00/463     23.11.07     Mix Solos 1-28 (wild mix with 9 solos)---------------------Werkzeuge
00/464     29.11.07     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------HolzZahnrad
00/465     30.11.07     Mix Solos 1-36 (456+457+461+462+464)-----------------------MitternachtsSonne
00/466      5.12.07     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------Camera
00/467      7.12.07     DronStack ID 1---------------------------------------------DuroDron
00/468      7.12.07     Mix Drones ID 1 (469+470+471+472)--------------------------DronosWalze
00/469      7.12.07     Solo Dron ID 1---------------------------------------------Tief A Dron
00/470      8.12.07     Solo Dron ID 1---------------------------------------------QUITSCH-DRON
00/471      8.12.07     Solo Dron ID 1---------------------------------------------FlagoDron
00/472      8.12.07     Solo Dron ID 1---------------------------------------------HorizoniDron
00/473      8.12.07     Solo Dron ID 1---------------------------------------------BassoDron
00/474     11.12.07     Solo Atmo ID 1---------------------------------------------SchützendeHaut
00/475     11.12.07     Solo Electric ID 1-----------------------------------------Gepolter
00/476     12.12.07     Solo Dron ID 1---------------------------------------------BigSwellDron
00/477     12.12.07     Solo Dron ID 1---------------------------------------------Schleif Metall Dron
00/478     13.12.07     Solo El. onoff ID 1----------------------------------------BlowPoints
00/479     13.12.07     Solo El. onoff ID 1----------------------------------------BLOOOM
00/480     14.12.07     Mix Solos (470>>479)---------------------------------------WorkFlow
00/481     26.12.07     Electric stücke 1-14---------------------------------------Jumping
00/482     28.12.07     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------Radio
00/483     28.12.07     Solo Rhythmics 1-14----------------------------------------Rollstuhl
00/484       1.1.08     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------MüllTonne
00/485       2.1.08     Mix solos wild 1-32----------------------------------------happen again
00/486       3.1.08     Mix solos wild 1-35----------------------------------------sunset
00/487       6.1.08     Mix all Drones ID 1----------------------------------------ALLDRONES
00/488       6.1.08     Mix (459+460+485+486)--------------------------------------MONSTERMIX
00/489      22.1.08     Electric Pieces 1-15---------------------------------------TEMPELHOF
00/490      23.1.08     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------Tafel
00/491      23.1.08     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Electroblitz
00/492      24.1.08     Solo Rhythmics 1-19----------------------------------------Schaukel
00/493      25.1.08     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------Schreibmaschine
00/494      27.1.08     Mix 1-24 (material 490+491+492+493)------------------------ToolTime
00/495       1.2.08     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------Kofferradio
00/496       5.2.08     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------FunkenFlug
00/497      11.2.08     Solo electrics 1-17----------------------------------------TeeKanne
00/498      13.2.08     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------my Teeth
00/499      14.2.08     Mix Solos 1-35 (495+496+497+498)---------------------------Plunder
00/500      20.2.08     Mix Solos 1-35 (466+467+482+483+484+501)-------------------LichtPunkte
00/501      20.2.08     Solo Rhyth-Drive 1-15--------------------------------------DriveHead
00/502      12.3.08     El. Pieces (all SunSyn) 1-16 ovl---------------------------AutomatiCon
00/503      13.3.08     Solo El. Pieces 1-16---------------------------------------Inside
00/504      13.3.08     Solo El. Pieces 1-17---------------------------------------InsideOut
00/505      13.3.08     Solo El. Pieces 1-16---------------------------------------Colosseum
00/506      16.3.08     Mix Solos 1-23 (376+503+504+505)---------------------------early industry
00/507      18.3.08     Mix Solos 1-39 (77+112+149+186)----------------------------ContainerTerminal
00/508      20.3.08     Mix Solos 1-31 (160+169+215+237)---------------------------Butterflys
00/509      23.3.08     Mix Solos 1-30 (232+325+385+406)---------------------------SchlüsselBund
00/510       7.4.08     Mix Solos 1-24 (55+91+197+243)-----------------------------OhrenSchmalz
00/511      10.4.08     Mix Solos 1-24 (74+122+156+250+299)------------------------ZuckerMixer
00/512      16.4.08     El. Pieces 1-15 (ovl.+split to solos)----------------------Electric Connection
00/513      16.4.08     Solo Electrics 1-15 (out of 512 all G2)--------------------Absalon
00/514      16.4.08     Solo Electrics 1-15 (out of 512 all G2)--------------------Betamax
00/515      16.4.08     Solo Electrics 1-15 (out of 512 all G2)--------------------Caesario
00/516      16.4.08     Solo Electrics 1-15 (out of 512 all G2)--------------------Domino
00/517      20.4.08     Mix Solos 1-22 (327+353+438+495)---------------------------FensterRaum
00/518      28.4.08     Mix Solos 1-31 (220+259+308+346)---------------------------In-Out-Space
00/519      12.5.08     Mix Solos 1-32 (318+368+408+453+482)-----------------------fünf Stimmen
00/520      15.5.08     Mix Solos 1-29 (79+119+141+194+325)------------------------MONTAGE
00/521      18.5.08     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------Ohr
00/522      22.5.08     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------AutoSkitze
00/523      26.5.08     Mix Solos 1-30 (270+365+405+490+501)-----------------------BusStop
00/524      30.5.08     Mix Solos 1-30 (185+200+252+289)---------------------------FourFones
00/525      29.5.08     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------HeberSchreiber
00/526       4.6.08     Solo Percus 1-15-------------------------------------------HandNähmaschine
00/527       5.6.08     Mix Solos 1-26 (521+522+525+526)---------------------------FourStones
00/528      10.6.08     Rhy. Loop+Elecs = Mix-ID = 1-------------------------------TwoLoop
00/529      10.6.08     Mix Solos 1-30 (396+402+464+493)---------------------------MaschinenBau
00/530      11.6.08     Mix Wild Live 1-27-----------------------------------------SCHLOTE
00/531      18.6.08     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------WüstenSitz
00/532      19.6.08     Mix Solos 1-32 (208+269+386+436+504)-----------------------Stahlwerk
00/533      23.6.08     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------Liquidrom
00/534      26.6.08     Solo Rhythmics 1-15----------------------------------------Mann auf Treppe
00/535      29.6.08     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------RR.Turbine
00/536      30.6.08     Mix Solos 1-31 (531+533+534+535)---------------------------SteamPower
00/537       7.7.08     Mix cut+paste 1-40-----------------------------------------ElectricOn
00/538       9.7.08     Mix cut+paste 1-37-----------------------------------------Strömungen
00/539      10.7.08     Mix Solos 1-34 (303+385+439+492)---------------------------WasserRad
00/540      17.7.08     Selection 1-13---------------------------------------------Jon Tyler Selection
00/541      31.7.08     Concert 1-32 (Split A B C D)-------------------------------RR-Concert
00/542       7.8.08     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------Implantat
00/543      10.8.08     Atmo solo ID 1---------------------------------------------CoffeAtmo
00/544      12.8.08     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------ColoredWaves
00/545      18.8.08     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------FrequenzRotor
00/546      18.8.08     Mix Solos 1-32 (542+543+544+545)---------------------------HochFrequenzMaschine
00/547      22.8.08     Mix Solos 1-27 (77+119+302+354+475)------------------------InsideDoors
00/548      12.9.08     El. Pieces 1-14 ovl. (splits)------------------------------LuftFahrt
00/549      15.9.08     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------FlachTonMessung
00/550      15.9.08     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------VersuchsFeld
00/551      16.9.08     Solo Rhythmics 1-15----------------------------------------DikilenMaki
00/552      16.9.08     Solo Electrics Flat 1-16-----------------------------------Flachbieger
00/553      21.9.08     Mix Solos 1-37 (91+114+152+262)----------------------------DruckKammer
00/554      23.9.08     Solo El. Basso 1-18----------------------------------------UFO
00/555      6.10.08     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------PI
00/556      9.10.08     Solo Piano 1-57--------------------------------------------for ComputerFreeJazz
00/557      9.10.08     Mix Pia+Drums+Bass 1-30------------------------------------ComputerFreeJazz
00/558      9.10.08     Pia+Bass 1-30----------------------------------------------for ComputerFreeJazz
00/559     16.10.08     Solo Electrics ID 1----------------------------------------Granularus
00/560     16.10.08     Solo Electrics ID 1----------------------------------------Knospen
00/561     16.10.08     Mix 4x Pia (556) 1-32--------------------------------------Tastatur
00/562     16.10.08     Mix 2x Pia +Bass+Drums+Percus------------------------------free ComputerFreeJazz
00/563     23.10.08     Solo Electrics ID 1----------------------------------------RumdiDumdi
00/564     28.10.08     Solo Electrics ID 1----------------------------------------Thereminur
00/565     30.10.08     Mix Solos 1-32 (497+461+415+391)---------------------------Kutsche
00/566     31.10.08     Mix Solos 1-29 (253+381+466+534)---------------------------Kurven
00/567     31.10.08     Mix Solos ID 1 (559+560+563+564)---------------------------strange ambient
00/568      3.11.08     Mix Duo 1-44 (550+555)-------------------------------------ReedBluePartner
00/569      4.11.08     Mix Trio 1-35 (549+551+552)--------------------------------Triolo
00/570      6.11.08     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------Granularis
00/571      6.11.08     Mix Solos 1-32 (383+496+513+544)---------------------------Con-Cert-Space
00/572     12.11.08     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------Zwiebel
00/573     13.11.08     Mix Duo 1-34 (570+572)-------------------------------------Sitzung
00/574     26.11.08     Selection 1-17 (by Jon Tyler)------------------------------Emily's Dream
00/575     28.11.08     Mix Solos 1-29 (309+427+483+505)---------------------------Old Vehicle
00/576     30.11.08     Mix Solos 1-35 (80+115+155+201)----------------------------Steel Vehicle
00/577     11.12.08     Construction El. 1-30--------------------------------------Drei Kugeln
00/578     15.12.08     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------Neon Rot-auf-Blau
00/579     15.12.08     Solo Flat 1-14---------------------------------------------Areas
00/580     15.12.08     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------CIRCULAR
00/581     15.12.08     Solo Electrics 1-26----------------------------------------FarbFahnen
00/582     16.12.08     Concert 1-30 (Split a+b+c+d)-------------------------------Roof-Con-Cert
00/583     17.12.08     Solo Rhythmics 1-14----------------------------------------UBU
00/584     26.12.08     Mix Solos 1-39 (267+356+430+514)---------------------------WebStuhl
00/585       3.1.09     Electrics Pieces 1-13 ovl.(Splits A+B+C+D)-----------------Bambule
00/586       6.1.09     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------FLIP
00/587       6.1.09     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------FLAP
00/588       8.1.09     Solo Percus 1-13-------------------------------------------FLUP
00/589       8.1.09     Solo Percus 1-13-------------------------------------------FLOP
00/590       9.1.09     Mix Solos 1-14 (586+587+588+589)---------------------------FlipFlapFlupFlop
00/591      11.1.09     Solo Electrics (ID 1) 1-19---------------------------------FeedBacks
00/592      12.1.09     Mix Solos 1-34 (164+181+280+591)---------------------------DOR-CON
00/593      13.1.09     Solo electrics (ID 1) 1-32---------------------------------RückKopplung
00/594      14.1.09     Solo Sequenz Drive (ID 1) 1-31-----------------------------DRIVE
00/595      16.1.09     Solo El. Siri (ID 1) 1-30----------------------------------SIRI
00/596      17.1.09     Mix Solos (ID 1) 1-28 (591+593+594+595)--------------------RhyFliDriF
00/597      21.1.09     Soundscape (ID 1) 1-31-------------------------------------SoundScape A
00/598      23.1.09     Soundscape (ID 1) 1-31-------------------------------------SoundScape B
00/599      24.1.09     Soundscape (ID 1) 1-31-------------------------------------SoundScape C
00/600      24.1.09     Soundscape (ID 1) 1-31-------------------------------------SoundScape D
00/601      11.2.09     El. Construction 1-13 (ovl+splits)-------------------------TreppenAufgang
00/602      14.2.09     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 601)---------------------------KOLLISION
00/603      14.2.09     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 601)---------------------------OBSESSION
00/604      14.2.09     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 601)---------------------------SIMULATION
00/605      14.2.09     Solo Electrics 1-13 (out of 601)---------------------------PEDION
00/606      15.2.09     Mix Solos 1-31 (602+603+604+605)---------------------------EffiSpace
00/607      16.2.09     Solo Noise Drone ID 1--------------------------------------FarbRauschen
00/608      17.2.09     Solo Dron ID 1---------------------------------------------VoiceNoise
00/609      18.2.09     Solo Dron ID 1---------------------------------------------ElectricStorm
00/610      19.2.09     Bass Drones ID 1-------------------------------------------HausKlang
00/611      20.2.09     Mix Solos 1-28 (245+329+491+513)---------------------------INTERMEDIA
00/612      23.2.09     Solo Electrics 1-22----------------------------------------Lauschen
00/613      25.2.09     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------Obscuros
00/614      25.2.09     Mix Solos 1-26 (124+158+223+462)---------------------------Einblick
00/615      28.2.09     Solo SQRHY 1-14--------------------------------------------Hupfen
00/616       2.3.09     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------The Raven
00/617       3.3.09     Mix Solos 1-34 (612+613+615+616)---------------------------UTOPICA
00/618       6.3.09     Mix Solos 1-30 (346+380 wg.Randy)--------------------------MonPti
00/619       9.3.09     Solo Basso 1-14--------------------------------------------CONNEX
00/620      16.3.09     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------HeuSchrecke
00/621      18.3.09     Solo Electrics 1-5-----------------------------------------CANAABUS
00/622      19.3.09     Mix Solos 1-29 (328+417+533+57)----------------------------EingangM
00/623      22.3.09     Solo el. Flat 1-31-----------------------------------------Spectral
00/624      23.3.09     Mix Solos 1-31 (306+394+521+570)---------------------------Verschraubung
00/625      24.3.09     Solo el. Flat 1-15-----------------------------------------FlatConSolos
00/626      25.3.09     Mix Solos 1-24 (150+214+340+447)---------------------------Flaschenspiel
00/627      16.4.09     Solo Deep Sounds 1-17--------------------------------------Deep Sounds
00/628      20.4.09     Mix Solos 1-28 (621+623+625+627)---------------------------BETON
00/629      13.5.09     Mix Solos 1-33 (326+498+583+625)---------------------------Red Energy
00/630      24.5.09     Mix solos 1-35 (76+104+214+612)----------------------------INVISIBLE
00/631      12.6.09     Mix Solos 1-33 (549+550+554)-------------------------------ConGlomerat
00/632      27.7.09     Solo electrics ID 1 (1-29)---------------------------------NotBremse
00/633      28.7.09     Mix electrics ID 1 (1-32)----------------------------------off Shore
00/634      28.7.09     Solo Electrics ID 1 (1-16)---------------------------------Driller
00/635      29.7.09     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------SteinSchlag
00/636      31.7.09     Electric Pieces 1-8----------------------------------------Transmission
00/637      19.8.09     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------STABILO
00/638      24.8.09     Solo Rhythmics 1-13----------------------------------------Greifer
00/639      29.8.09     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------Winkemann
00/640      29.8.09     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------GegenGewicht
00/641      30.8.09     Mix Solos ID 1 (610+632+633+634)---------------------------AudioTrain
00/642      31.8.09     Mix Solos 1-31 (635+637+638+639+640)-----------------------Colors
00/643       1.9.09     Solo Bassiges 1-14-----------------------------------------Bassenge
00/644      15.9.09     Electric Pieces ovl. 1-13----------------------------------Inspace
00/645      17.9.09     Solo El. 1-13 (out of 644)---------------------------------obscure
00/646      17.9.09     Solo El. 1-13 (out of 644)---------------------------------STUFEN
00/647      17.9.09     Solo El. 1-13 (out of 644)---------------------------------constructius
00/648      17.9.09     Solo El. 1-13 (out of 644)---------------------------------HOPE
00/649      25.9.09     Mix solos 1-32 (645+646+647+648)---------------------------NachtBagger
00/650      28.9.09     Solo Bassel 1-15-------------------------------------------WasserSchlag
00/651      30.9.09     Mix Solos 1-26 (311+413+580+605)
00/652     14.10.09     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------BETONIA
00/653     16.10.09     Mix Solos 1-28---------------------------------------------INTERCONNECTION
00/654     18.10.09     Solo Flat Electrics 1-17------------------------------------schleifen&glätten
00/655     23.10.09     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------SIGNAL
00/656      6.11.09     El. Pieces 1-13--------------------------------------------ElectricSpace
00/657     10.11.09     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------LichtSchleuder
00/658     10.11.09     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------FeuerSchlot
00/659     10.11.09     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------MONOCHROM
00/660     10.11.09     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------FarbSchmelze
00/661     11.11.09     Solo Electricflat 1-17-------------------------------------INDUSI
00/662     12.11.09     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------BaumSchatten
00/663     13.11.09     Solo Electric for Loops 1-45-------------------------------FEUER
00/664     15.11.09     Solo Electric for Loops 1-49-------------------------------FLAMME
00/665     16.11.09     Solo Electric Shortcuts 1-65-------------------------------Rauchzeichen
00/666     17.11.09     Solo Electric ShortCuts 1-55-------------------------------ConTouren
00/667     18.11.09     Mix Solos 1-37 (663+664+665+666)---------------------------HUMBUGA
00/668     19.11.09     Solo Atmos 1-29--------------------------------------------CLOUDS
00/669     24.11.09     Solo Rhythmics 1-14----------------------------------------RhythMicuss
00/670     24.11.09     Solo Rhythmics 1-13----------------------------------------Faust
00/671     25.11.09     Mix solos 1-32 (663+664+665+666+669)-----------------------FarbTuben
00/672     25.12.09     Electric Pieces 1-14 (OVL)---------------------------------Bewegung
00/673     26.12.09     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------Lieger
00/674     26.12.09     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------SoloBird
00/675     26.12.09     Solo RhyPricPerc 1-14--------------------------------------SoloNuss
00/676     28.12.09     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Grumpel
00/677     31.12.09     Mix Solos 1-36 (652+657+670+674)---------------------------SHIFTING
00/678     1.1.2010     Mix Solos 1-42 (298+396+431+658)---------------------------BlueBox
00/679     11.1.010     El.Pieces 1-14 ovl-----------------------------------------HH HB
00/680     17.1.010     Solo Electrics 1-15
00/681     17.1.010     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------LichtSchleuder
00/682     17.1.010     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------RadioRoom
00/683     18.1.010     Mix Solos 1-31 (680+681+682)-------------------------------smartybobs
00/684      2.2.010     El.Pieces 1-14 OVL-----------------------------------------Famos
00/685      2.2.010     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------blau trifft
00/686      3.2.010     Solo Electrics 1-12----------------------------------------Flamme
00/687      3.2.010     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------Bruecke
00/688      4.2.010     Mix Solos 1-28---------------------------------------------BunterFluss
00/689      6.2.010     Solo Electrics 1-13----------------------------------------Transport
00/690     16.2.010     Electric Pieces 1-15---------------------------------------Rapunzel
00/691     19.2.010     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------DuckD.
00/692     19.2.010     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------Movement
00/693     19.2.010     Solo Electrics 1-15----------------------------------------FlashLight
00/694     21.2.010     Mix Solos 1-25 (691+692+693)-------------------------------SkyGate
00/695      2.3.010     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------Flowers
00/696      5.2.010     Mix Solos 1-27 (654+660+675+695)---------------------------CielCom
00/697      8.3.010     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------runing time
00/698     10.3.010     Solo El.Instru. 1-16---------------------------------------vorbeigehuscht
00/699     15.3.010     Solo El.Instru. 1-18---------------------------------------ADE
00/700     19.3.010     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------TEMPO
00/701     21.3.010     Mix solos 1-39
00/702      1.4.010     Solo El.Lieger ID 1----------------------------------------LongLong
00/703     14.4.010     ElectricPieces 1-14 (ovl)----------------------------------LaborMusic
00/704     14.4.010     Solo Rhythmics 1-14----------------------------------------TunnelRhy
00/705     15.4.010     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------TohuWabohu
00/706     15.4.010     Solo Electrics 1-14----------------------------------------eingefädelt
00/707     20.4.010     Mix Solos 1-31 (700+702+705+706)---------------------------eyjafjallajökull
00/708     21.4.010     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------FlugAsche
00/709     25.4.010     Solo ElectricVoice 1-18------------------------------------AUTOPILOT
00/710     27.4.010     Solo ElectricVoice 1-19------------------------------------mit Knarre
00/711     11.5.010     Mix Solos 1-30 (416+515+572+685)---------------------------Dispatcher
00/712      2.5.010     Solo Drum 1-19 --------------------------------------------WunderKnubbel
00/713     11.5.010     Mix Solos 1-30 (461+515+572+685)---------------------------Dispatching
00/714     14.5.010     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------CHUNKS
00/715     30.5.010     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------BETWEEN
00/716      2.6.010     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------AIRTOP
00/717      5.6.010     Mix Solos 1-31 (704+708+714)-------------------------------STRANGE
00/718      6.6.010     Mix Solos 1-33 (709+712+715+716)---------------------------Daedalus
00/719     15.6.010     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Bewegung
00/720     18.6.010     Mix Solos 1-30 (406+535+659+719)---------------------------ArchiAbieg
00/721     21.6.010     Electric Pieces 1-17 Ovl-----------------------------------TicTac
00/722      5.7.010     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Camera II
00/723      3.8.010     Electricus 1-16 Ovl----------------------------------------ImDunkeln
00/724      4.8.010     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------BlechBüchse
00/725      9.8.010     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Futurum
00/726     22.8.010     Solo Electrics 1-21----------------------------------------Kopf unterm Arm
00/727     22.8.010     Solo Electrics 1-16-
00/728     23.8.010     Solo Electrics 1-17----------------------------------------Continuo
00/729     25.8.010     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------HappyHappy
00/730     29.8.010     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------flitzfritz
00/731     30.8.010     Mix  Solos 1-24 (726+727+728)------------------------------Paprika
00/732     31.8.010     Mix Solos 1-27 (722+724+725)-------------------------------VERBINDER
00/733     31.8.010     Solo Electrics 1-21----------------------------------------FliegenFänger
00/734      1.9.010     Mix Solos 1-29 (729+730+734)-------------------------------PlauenFlaum
00/735      7.9.010     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------GelenkTec
00/736     10.9.010     ElectriCons 1-11 (ovl)-------------------------------------ECKE
00/737     13.9.010     Solo Electrics 1-21----------------------------------------WINDLICHT
00/738     16.9.010     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Sunrise
00/739     28.9.010     ElectriCons 1-39 (ovl)-------------------------------------LAMPULA
00/740     29.9.010     Solo ElectricPerc 1-18-------------------------------------ÖlPumpe
00/741     4.10.010     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------NagelStuhl
00/742     5.10.010     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------StundenGlas
00/743     6.10.010     Mix Solos 1-14 (437+516+620)-------------------------------DrehBank
00/744     6.10.010     Mix Solos 1-24 (735+737+738)-------------------------------SchleifBock
00/745     7.10.010     Mix Solos 1-41 (740+741+742)-------------------------------TurbineBlau
00/746    11.10.010     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Glocke
00/747    17.10.010     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------HauntingTune
00/748    24.10.010     ElectriCons 1-16-------------------------------------------Centurio
00/749    25.10.010     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------SchwungRad
00/750    26.10.010     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------BuntKreuz
00/751    26.10.010     Solo Electrics 1-16----------------------------------------BlauKreuz
00/752    29.10.010     Mix Solos 1-31 (749+750+751)-------------------------------GlühBirnen
00/753     1.11.010     Mix Solos 1-38 (603+676+741)-------------------------------ZiegelBrennOfen
00/754     3.11.010     Mix Solos 1-34 (372+531+747)
00/755     5.11.010     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------E-Tank
00/756     8.11.010     Solo Percus 1-20-------------------------------------------BomBola
00/757     9.11.010     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------HeizRaum
00/758    16.11.010     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------Excentrics
00/759    18.11.010     Electricons 1-18-------------------------------------------green-corner
00/760    22.11.010     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------AbStrich
00/761    22.11.010     Mix Solos 1-24 (755+756+757)-------------------------------EIOLY
00/762    24.11.010     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------GemüseTopf
00/763    25.11.010     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Ramitello
00/764    29.11.010     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------TRIESEL
00/765    29.11.010     Solo Noises 1-22-------------------------------------------TRAPPS
00/766    30.11.010     Mix Solos 1-23 (758+760+762)-------------------------------Qualm
00/767     7.12.010     Electricon 1-18--------------------------------------------Schacht A
00/768    10.12.010     MiniMix 1-19-----------------------------------------------tauziehen
00/769    14.12.010     Mix Solos 1-32 (686+687+689)-------------------------------BLOB
00/770    16.12.010     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Eingang
00/771    17.12.010     Mix Solos 1-27 (763+764+770)-------------------------------mysterious
00/772    13.12.010     Piano Solo 1-20 -------------------------------------------PIATESTA
00/773    23.12.010     VolTaric 1-20----------------------------------------------voltaric A
00/774    26.12.010     MiniMix 1-19-----------------------------------------------Friends
00/775    31.12.010     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Flummi
00/776    31.12.010     Mix Solos 1-32 (581+665+775)-------------------------------ExTerra
00/777      2.1.011     Mix RY+SP. ID 1 (Zug 011 A)--------------------------------SnowTrain
00/778      3.1.011     Mix RY+SP. ID 1 (Zug 011 B)--------------------------------SnowTrainB
00/779      6.1.011     Minimix 1-35 (405+432)-------------------------------------Connection A
00/780      7.1.011     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Metallum
00/781      7.1.011     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------
00/782     15.1.011     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------GrüneBlasen
00/783     14.1.011     Mix Solos 1-26 (416+431+449)-------------------------------FarbEinfall
00/784     18.1.011     Solo Electrics 1-21----------------------------------------DIAGOLO
00/785     19.1.011     Indus 1-34-------------------------------------------------IndustryelSpace Z
00/786     23.1.011     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------KNOTEN
00/787      1.2.011     Electric Pieces 1-19---------------------------------------FarbPalette
00/788      3.2.011     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Passage
00/789      3.2.011     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------flattering
00/790      3.2.011     Solo ElectricAcusticInstru 1-20----------------------------CONSENT
00/791      3.2.011     Mix Solos 1-20 (788+789+790)-------------------------------AbendRot
00/792      7.2.011     ElectriconMini 1-19----------------------------------------KühlTürme
00/793      8.2.011     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------MODULATION
00/794      8.2.011     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Complay
00/795     14.2.011     Solo Electrics 1-18----------------------------------------BOLIO
00/796     15.2.011     Mix Solos 1-28 (67+181+337+533)----------------------------GollumUno
00/797     17.2.011     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------nach oben
00/798     22.2.011     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Augenblick
00/799     23.2.011     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Spratzer
00/800     24.2.011     Mix Solos 1-31 (795+797+798+799)---------------------------Sailing
00/801      2.3.011     Electricon-Mini 1-19---------------------------------------Glotzer
00/802      7.3.011     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Hammer A
00/803      9.3.011     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Synthia Part A
00/804     14.3.011     Solo Rhythmics 1-17----------------------------------------Stepper
00/805     16.3.011     Solo Rhythmics 1-19----------------------------------------BLITZER
00/806     19.3.011     Solo Flats 1-21 + (OVL)------------------------------------Schwabbler
00/807     20.3.011     Mix Solos 1-28 (wild mix with 4 solos)---------------------Parabolica
00/808     23.3.011     Electricon 1-18--------------------------------------------minimixrhy
00/809     28.3.011     Solo Electrics 1-21----------------------------------------SchrägSchnittSäge
00/810     29.3.011     Mix Solos 1-32 (803+809)-----------------------------------CALYBSO
00/811     12.4.011     Concert 1-31 (split A+B+C+D)-------------------------------Elemente
00/812     24.4.011     ElectriCon 1-18--------------------------------------------Zwillinge
00/813      3.5.011     Mix Solos 1-31 (780+794+802+805)---------------------------Schleuder
00/814      6.5.011     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------SchutzBrille
00/815     11.5.011     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------LichtEinfall
00/816     13.5.011     Mix Solos 1-33 (579+619+781)-------------------------------Signale
00/817     16.5.011     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------Figura
00/818     26.5.011     Mix Solos 1-34 (814+815+817)-------------------------------AMIGOS
00/819     31.5.011     Duos 1-19--------------------------------------------------ELEMENTE
00/820      1.6.011     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Reflex
00/821      1.6.011     Solo Electrics 1-19----------------------------------------Absalon
00/822      8.6.011     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------ErbsenSchuss
00/823     16.6.011     ElectriOcon 1-19-------------------------------------------WIMONE
00/824     20.6.011     Mix Solos 1-33 (820+821+822)-------------------------------Pergola
00/825     29.6.011     Solo Electrics 1-20----------------------------------------TransWorld
00/826      1.7.011     Mix Solos 1-17 (90+150+222+277)----------------------------SchaumBad
00/827      4.7.011     ElectriCon 1-19--------------------------------------------ANA
00/828     10.7.011     Solo Piano 1-31--------------------------------------------PianoDrobs
00/829     11.7.011     Solo Electric 1-30 (one sound)-----------------------------OneSound
00/830     31.7.011     Mix Solos 1-36 (379+525+764)-------------------------------EndTime

Stücke = pieces
A-B was for cassetteside
upspeed = same piece more quick, fast, faster taperunning.
percussion = rhythmics
stein um stein = words, text,
CX 5m = Yamaha Music Computer
TX 802 = Yamaha Synth.
Dms-TX802 = DMS Sequenzer>Tx802
GenKen = Conductor for the cassette concerts in usa.
Con-Hertz = with help from Wolfgang Hertz
GenCon Production = GEN KEN MONTGOMERY+CON production on Cassettes  
(norm.on87M-*-87/4=norm.on87E) = same piece on 87 M in the normal running tempo
electric mini = electric music in two tracks

The old private list.
The list is made only for me. It is incomplete, worked out of my tapes laying
around in several boxes and shelves. This in the way of Con-fuse, not at all
Con-tinuous. That means me, too, haven`t got a survey.
At the beginning of copying on CDRs I had to put as much material as possible
on, because the CDRs were extremely expensive. (1 CDR=60DM=30€--nowerdays 3€!)
There are a lot of double pieces in the list. They come from the different tapes.
Often they are variations of the same music.
Everything I could find I copied, because the tapes start to become worn out and
are no more to use.
The private list is only for good friends who will not give it away to others
neither put it into the net.
I don`t take any responsibility for the total correctness.
I`ll try to copy all tapes and to update the list.

A-Cont     1971-1972 = CD CHARRED MACHINERY                     1-3    64  min
B-Cont     1972-1977 = CD BLUE GLOW                            1-15    61  min
C-Cont     A-B = 3.3.83                                    1-8/9-17    42  min
           A-Percussion-stücke  11.11.82                      18-25    26  min
D-Cont     B-Percus-stücke        11.11.82                      1-8    23  min
           A-B-Percussion-stücke  12.12.82               9-20/21-26    40  min
E-Cont     A-20.2.81-B7.10.82                            1-15/16-27    50  min
           Bonus=upspeed   10.10.84 percussion                28-33    9/oo min
F-Cont     A-B 20.2.82                                   1-15/16-27    50  min
           Bonus=A-B-slow/normal                              28-34    14  min
Con+Sohn   LP + contra -pro                                1-7/8-12    40  min
           Greg stücke (z.B. Stein um Stein)                 13.-17    26  min
83A        30.3.83 upspeed  30.3.83-5.5.83                     1-24    60  min
CC84       CasConI-II 84 =10.10.84                       1-12/13-25    42  min
           Mix I+II                                           26-41    23  min
Eng.I-II   Material 72-84                                  1-5/6-10    40  min
           bonus=mix I+II                                     11-20    20  min
Film-MU    Film-music A-B1980 (ConVideos)                 1-9/10-13    40  min
           Mix A+B                                            14-23    20  min
CC86       CasCon86  I upspeed                            1-9/10-20    34  min
           CasCon86 II upspeed                          21-29/30-38    35  min
CCF86      CasCon Free  31.8.86 (CX5m)                         1-15    30  min
           CasCon Free   4.8.86 (CX5m)                        16-29    30  min
CC86X      CasCon 21.11.86 (wild)                        1-14/15-29    40  min
           CasCon 20.10.86 upspeed                      30-43/44-49    30  min
MiCON+     Mi-CON 86                                           1-18    42  min
           10.10.86 upspeed (CX5m)                            19-36    33  min
CC5.5.85   CasCon mix  5.5.85 (senkel)                   1-18/19-33    60  min
           split und neuer mix auf tra3 und tra6
SLM        slow motion music für film mit hotte                1-59    74  min
Sq81       Sequenza Paragon Master vorhanden                   1-12    38  min
Songs      all Songs 1980-1982                                 1-17    70  min
           New New on Con3 + bonus tracks                      1-15    61  min
TRA1Mix    CasCon    19.1.88 all Tx802                         1-15    30  min
           CasCon II 13.6.86 (2x20 min)                 16-25 26-35    40  min
TRA1split  4CD´s  stereo (1-8)   ID´s  wie mix   
TRA2Mix    90/9A CasCon Concert for Gen Ken                    1-13    30  min
           87/9A CasCon first Constelation(CD)                14-24    30  min
TRA2split  4CD´s  stereo (1-8)   ID´s  wie mix   
TRA3Mix    CasCon   5.5.85 all X-Pander                        1-15    30  min
           CasCon 20.10.85 all CX5m                           16-30    30  min   
           Gen Ken Geigen                                    31-end    4/40min
TRA3split  4CD´s  stereo (1-8)   ID´s  wie mix
TRA4Mix    CasCon 20.10.86                                     1-14    30  min
           CasCon I/86 (ConcertLP) (2x20min)            15-24/25-34    40  min
TRA4split  4CD´s  stereo (1-8)   ID´s wie mix
TRA5Mix    87/10A + 87/8B mix (2x20 min) minis                 1-18    40  min
           Hon1+Hon2 mix                                      19-36    30  min
TRA5split  2CD´s  stereo   ID´s                          1-20/21-35
TRA6Mix    CasCon wild  21.11.86                               1-21    42  min
           CasCon Korg    5.5.85                              22-38    30  min
TRA6split  4CD´s  stereo (1-8)   ID´s  wie mix          
TRA7Mix    CasCon 31.11.88=(88/11A)                            1-16    32  min
           CasCon   3.6.88=(88/11B)                           17-33    32  min
TRA7split  4CD´s  stereo (1-8)   ID´s  wie mix
TRA8Mix    Con-Hertz electrics Jan.87                          1-12    30  min
           Minimix 88/9A+88/9B                                13-27    30  min
TRA8split  4CD´s  stereo (1-8)   ID´s                    1-12/13-21
TRA9Mix    CasCon automatic-concert Tx802  14.1.88              1-8    30  min
           89/1B free Orch Dms-Tx802       5.12.88             9-23    30  min
TRAsplit   4CD´s  stereo (1-8)   ID´s  wie mix   
TRA10Mix   GenCon Production  27.8.87 Concert                  1-10    30  min
           GenCon Production   0.9.87 Aktion on synths        11-20    30  min
TRA10split 4CD´s  stereo (1-8)   ID´s  wie mix   
TRA11Mix   GenCon Production  15.9.86 Stücke                   1-11    30  min
           89/10 A+B mix                                      12-29    30  min
TRA11split 4CD´s  stereo (1-8)   ID´s                    1-11/12-23
           CD´s 1+2 stereo (1-8)=89/10A+B   ID´s         1-13/14-25
TRA13Mix   89/2A+B+89/3A+B mix all                              1-25   30  min
           89/5A+B+89/6A+B mix all                             26-42   30  min
TRA15Mix   90/4A+B=(90/3B)                                      1-16   30  min
           90/2A+B                                             17-31   30  min
TRA16Mix   89/9A+B+89/11A+B mix all  total                      1-12   30  min
           90/2A+B+90/4A+B  mix all  total                     13-25   30  min
TRA17Mix   Confidential 00/01 A-B                         1-15/16-33   60  min
TRA18Mix   Confidential 00702 A-B                         1-15/16-30   60  min
TRA19Mix   90/10 A+B mix =(90/9B)                               1-11   30  min
           90/8  A+B mix  ^                                    12-25   30  min
TRA20Mix   90/11A  Percussion                                   1-14   30  min
           90/11B  Percussion                                  15-28   30  min
TRA21Mix   00/014A --/00/017A electric instrumental music 1-12/13-21   60  min
TRA22Mix   00/017A+00/015A+B+00/016A mix all                    1-21   30  min
           00/138A+00/138B mix                                 22-35   30  min
87/A       28.1.87  Con-Hertz electrics                         1-11   20  min
           17.12.86 Con-Hertz electric music >>>               12-22   20  min
87/B       25.1.87  Con-Hertz stücke                             1-9   20  min
           15.1.87  Con-Hertz stücke                           10-33   40  min
87/C       20.1.87  Con-Hertz minis  (upspeed)                  1-28   30  min
           28.5.87  Con-Hertz stücke (upspeed)                 29-50   30  min
87/D       2x20 min all  27.2.87  electro music stücke          1-20   45  min
           1-20 min      17.3.87  electro music stücke         21-29   20  min
87/E       20.-40.min    17.3.87  electro music stücke          1-10   20  min
           2x20 min      25.3.87  electro Minis                11-30   40  min
87/F       2x20   min (28.5.87 Rhythmic music stücke)           1-12   40  min
           1.-20. min (27.8.86 Rhythmic music stücke)          13-20   20  min
87/G       Rhythmic music CX5m        27.8.86 (20.-40.min)       1-8   20  min
           Rhythmic music CX5m>ObXp  12.12.86 (2x20 min)        9-23   40  min
87/H   16.6.87                                1-16   40  min
    15.7.87                               17-30   20  min
87/I       mini electrics    15.7.87                            1-10   20  min
           mini electrics     1.8.87                           11-30   40  min
87/J       first constelation   21.4.87 CasCon                  1-17   26  min
           4 spuren für Gia      5.5.87                        18-40   30  min
87/K       GenCon mix upspeed  3.9.87+15.7.87                   1-14   30  min
           GenCon mix upspeed  12.8.87+1.8.87                  15-31   30  min
87/L       electric minis upspeed     15.10.87                  1-22   30  min
           minis für constel. upspeed  1.12.87                 23-40   30  min
87/M       electric minis upspeed  30.10.87                     1-18   30  min
           con+con minimix         25.3.87+16.8.87             19-33   30  min
87/N1      mini electric Con-Hertz 20.1.87                      1-28   42  min
87/N2      GENCON mix 3.9.87+15.7.87                            1-22   40  min
87/Sonder  upspeed Rhytmic                                      1-29   66  min
88/1       88/ A-B 27.12.87/12.1.88                       1-10/11-22   60  min
88/2       88/2 A-B 19.1.88 CC / 1.2.88 CC Tx802          1-21/22-43   60  min
           A=split on tra 1   (B=split?)
88/3       Stücke 3.2.88/CC14.1.88 (split on tra9)        1-10/11-30   60  min
88/4       A-B10.2.88 Stücke/16.2.88  minisTX             1-14/15-27   60  min
88/5       A Electric minis DMS-TX 802  22.2.88                 1-13   
           B Electric minis TX 802       3.3.88                14-26  
88/6       A=mix88/4A+B+88/5A                                   1-14   30  min
           B=mix88/5A+B+88/4B                                  15-30   30  min
88/7       A-B 23.3.88/Tx802-electric-music               1-18/19-37   60  min
88/8       A=mix88/7A+B                                         1-15   30  min
           B Stücke 24.3.88                                    16-27   30  min
88/9       A=mix (mini 18.4.88 + mini 25.4.88=tra8/13)          1-14   30  min
           B=mix (Solo Cocho + Solo 25.4.88)                   15-28   30  min
88/10      A-B 6.7.88 Con-Hertz stücke (DavGenCon-Mix)          1-25   60  min
88/11      A-CasCon 31.11.88 Con-Hertz (split tra7)             1-16   30  min
           B-CasCon   3.6.88 Con-Hertz (split tra7)            17-33   30  min
88/12      Context für die Freunde in englisch                         60  min
89/1       89/1A Stücke     12.12.88                            1-10   30  min
           89/1B free Orch.  5.12.88 (Tra9) Tx802dms           11-25   30  min
89/2       89/2 A-B electric mini  24.3.89                1-10/11-23   30  min
89/3       89/3 A-B electric mini  26.3.89                1-13/14-41   30  min
89/4       89/4 A mix(89/2A+89/3B)  18.4.89                     1-22   30  min
           89/4 B mix(89/2B+89/3A)                             23-42   30  min
89/5       89/5 A-B electric mini  8.5.89                  1-9/10-21   60  min
89/6       89/6 A-B electric minis  14.7.-9.8.89          1-13/14-24   60  min
89/7       89/7 CD1 Duo CasCon A-B  4.8.89                1-12/13-21   60  min
           89/7 CD2 Duo CasCon A-B  4.8.89                1-12/13-21   60  min
           89/7 mix CD1+CD2 A-B                           1-12/13-21      
89/8       89/8 A=(mix89/6A+B)                                  1-12   30  min
           89/8 B=(mix89/5A+B)                                 13-24   30  min
89/9       89/9 A-B elec mini  26.9.89                    1-15/16-30   60  min
89/10      89/10 A=Duo-cas-mix  29.9.89 (tra11)                 1-10   30  min
           89/10 B=Duo-cas-mix  2.10.89 (tra11)                11-22   30  min
89/11      89/11 A-B electric mini  9.10.89               1-12/13-25   60  min
89/12      89/12 A mini mix(89/11A+B)                           1-13   30  min
           89/12 B mini mix(89/9 A+B)                          14-29   30  min

uptated tapematerial  
11.11.84                 SQ.material         45 min   
16.1.85                  SQ.material         45 min  

The works 1984:
At that time I worked with sequenzers that produced notes in the regular 12tone system.
Therefore I had to deal with notes on paper in clef which I had no idea of since then.
I wrote notes in the 5 lines at first not caring about clefs only the times were important.
All notes were written in 4/4 t. Then I put the papernotes one after another into the
sequenzer, without taking care of any harmonic rules, just to be correct with the counting
at the end of the pieces. I shifted those input notes in the 8-track machine by transposing
the shifted tracks by the synthesizers. I variated the length and shifting of the notelines
or so called patterns. The sequenzer directed the MS10, MS 20+ Pro One.
I tried to tune them as exactly as possible to get only through the combined playing
harmonies. Being not skilled enough I couldn`t quite tune that excatly as the regular
44hz tuning. Therefore the music sounds rather out of tune.
But later those exercises were helpful for my piano works.
Unfortunately my collectors force me to make those pieces, I`d prefer to destroy,
available again after all those years.

The piece ZUG was developed for a cassette-action-performance in 1972.
The Rote Cassette was produced from an manufacturer for cassettes in 1974 (800 items).
As much cassettes as wanted should be played simultaneous in a cassette-action-performance.
Zug consists of 2 tracks.
On one side of the cassette was the track RHYTHMUS.
On the other side was the track SPUR.
The cassettes should and could be played as ever one wanted.
That means, as much sides as possible could be played together at the same time.
Everything was mixable.
The whole "piece" was called ZUG(Train).
Videos with scenes and moments of train-travels were made for the music.
Later a part of the music ZUG could be heard with a faint fasing track on the LP CON.
Now there are several different versions:
CDR Rhythmus ID 1 and Spur ID 2
CDR Rhythmus and Spur mixed
CDR LP long version

updated transmitter cassettes material  
from reel to reel tapematerial to CDR.   
Container T1                    1971-1972    45 min  
Container T2                    1972-1979    45 min  
Container T3                     7.7.1977    45 min  
Container T4                    15.5.1979    45 min  
Container T5                     8.8.1980    45 min  
Container T6                    10.1.1980    45 min  
Container T7                    20.2.1981    45 min  
Container T8                    20.2.1982    45 min  
Container T9                     3.3.1983    45 min  
Container T10                  11.11.1982    45 min  
Container T11                  12.12.1982    45 min  
Container T12                    7.7.1982    45 min  
Context 1                            1981    60 min  
SQ.material / Transmitter Cass     1.1.84    45 min  
SQ.material / Transmitter Cass    29.2.84    45 min  
SQ.material / Transmitter Cass     1.7.84    45 min  
concert     / Transmitter cass   10.10.84    45 min

About the solo tracks:
I not only give my collector-friends the opportunity to
order an extraordinary collection, more over to be creative
with the music. The solotracks in special make it possible to combine new music.
For example:
Four friends come together with their stereo machines and mix my solotracks completely
different from my way of mixing.In doing this they create their own Con-Cert.

Solo voices, solo tracks, individual voice. Soloist, individualist,
egotist, voice, note, tone colour, pitch, volume, dynamics, rhythm,
variety, harmonics, freedom, monochrome, expression. Tonal, atonal,
changeable, static, mobile, cloudy, clear, dark, light, fast, complex,
transparent, fat, lean, abstract, informal, experimental, conventional,
glassy, metallic, concrete, electric, calm, agitated, flowing,
reclining, percussive, downward, upward, slow, brisk, tormenting,
colourful, garrulous, indescribable.

Solo voices - Arrangement and Application
The solo voice or solo track, also known as individual voice, tends to
be rare in our music. In the Asian world, on the other hand, it has
always been emancipated and customary.
It has been granted its autonomy here at least since the advent of
concrete music. The individual melodic line in classical music is
completely subordinate to the ensemble and acts as a support for the
overall impression, generally leaving no impression of its own.
The arrival of abstract music has given the individual voice its own
vocation as noise, tone and sound.
It can be applied, for example, to stereoscopic sound, or be used as an
acoustic event for the most diverse purposes. As an individualist it can
orient its sound energy any which way. From noise to the sweetest voice,
every possible and impossible articulation is feasible, permitted and
By superimposing several voices in an ensemble or forming a sound
environment by mixing one can create new dimensions, worlds of sound
where the individual voice is no longer subservient to synchronization
or the conductor's baton. The result are sound combinations which adhere
to no logic. The strength of the individual voice lies in its freedom
vis-à-vis any sound.

Free Concert (mix Solos)
From solo to mix, from melodic line to ensemble. Accumulation of voices,
note clusters which are not opposed to one other but are equal and
parallel in a free play of energy. The mix of solo voices produces
concentrations of notes and noises, tangles, compressions, sound
constellations, sound catastrophes, acoustic phenomena's.
The individuality of each voice is absorbed into the chaos of the
overall sound, is held there and blurred. Musical developments emerge
from the atmosphere of the individual voices of the ensemble and its
variations. Sound sequences spill forth, revealing tight and loose webs
of notes, changes in tempo, varying expressions of volume and dynamics
and shifts in the direction of the sound pattern. A sound chaos which
appears to change automatically becomes perceptible. the indeterminate
starting order for the solo voices create an open unfinished work,
containing a wealth of episodes with sound sequences, environmental
associations, stylistic devices from other worlds and interplay's of
nature and technology.
The characteristic of the solo voice acoustic material determines the
structural components and gestures of the sound situations throughout
the sound space. The solo voice sacrifices its individualistic
expression and variety for the good of the ensemble and becomes sound
among sounds.

Concept Concert (CON-CERT-MIX)
4 CD-concert, on mixer-amplifier-loudspeakers or 4 stereo systems with
CD-player and loudspeakers.
Unlike the free concerts comprising several solo tracks, the tracks used
here, also called voices, are designed, shaped, constructed and composed
in relation to one another.
The individual tracks are created to complement each other.
The articulation of sound in an era where new technology allows for the
creation of an unlimited number of new sounds calls for new recording
techniques. These are offered by tape, CD or computer hard disks.
In the past I used conventional cassettes to create my concerts, but now
the sounds are recorded on CD and can be used in the concerts thanks to
their enhanced quality.
The individual tracks have fixed starting points which can be adjusted
by a number of seconds and thus produce different results. The volume of
the individual tracks can be adapted to the acoustics of the location
and the listening experience will vary for each location as a

Electric/Melody/Rhythmic/Percussion:/ Dramatic electronic music:

Autonomous constructions, compositions and reflections.
Constructions are to be seen in contrast to solo tracks and free and
concept concerts. Once recorded on tape or CD they cannot be altered. If
they are multi-track recordings on tape or computer-disk some slight
modifications may be made. In most cases these definitive compositions,
which I call my pieces, are recorded in one operation, like an
improvisation. This work method means there can be no interruption of
any kind. If the computer crashes or there is a power-cut, the piece
being worked on is destroyed and can rarely be reproduced. This
sketch-like approach means that in any recording impurities remain in
the construction/composition and can never be eliminated.
This method of working with electric's and electronics contrasts sharply
with conventional music and its use of resonance instruments. Electric's
and acoustics converge in the loudspeaker. Both are subject to their own
laws and have their own strengths but are nevertheless still often
compared with one another. Very often to the detriment of both.
Electronics have become the tools of our times and cannot be dissociated
from today's world of music and sound. The contemporary composer can
perform his work himself and is no longer dependent on costly performers
with their space requirements and whims.
The end result of acoustic and electric music remains the same:
acoustics, vibrations and sound.

My work with the piano was initially a product of my work with
electronic instruments with a keyboard . I very consciously labelled
my first electric and electroacoustic works NON KEYBORDelectronics
With the advent of synths and sequencers and their keyboards with
the twelve-note division I was obliged to come to terms with this
format. Some instruments offered the standard piano in their very
diverse range of sounds . After a long period using the electronic
piano sound simply as a frequency in the continuum of the overall
sound pattern I created my first piano solo pieces.
This shift to 88 keys became a permanent feature. At first I just
used the piano as one of the sound options on 64-key keyboard.
I then moved on to an electric piano with 88 keys. The fingering
dynamics were a new experience for me and the playing sensation
was entirely different. Although this was still electric the charac-
teristics of the piano were a constant source of inspiration.
The next step which brought me closer to the desired sound was
the disk piano. The method I use to compose / construct the long
series of solo piano pieces is always different. Sometimes the
pieces are played and recorded live. They are then edited ,trans-
posed  and their tempo could be modified.At other times the notes
and note sequences are first elaborated in the computer, before
being shaken up  and reoriented. Here again ,as with electro-music,
the composer is his own performer.It is very easy to simultaneous-
ly produce certain notes which would be impossible for a single
pianist to play. Quite aside from the fact that these unconventional
sounds will make almost every classical pianist throw up their hands
in horror. Every new composition is the door to a new land.
Once you begin playing with and on 88 keys you go on and on and on
and on and on and on .

Sorry !
The whole amount of my works exceed the financial means of most of my friends

CON-tribute En:
CON-tribute Jp: 

Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Conrad Schnitzler All Rights Reserved.
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